Legal Disclaimer

1. The Intellectual Property disclosure will inform users that the contents, logo and other visual media you created is your property and is protected by copyright laws.( You can also use your T&C to inform users about trademarks, design rights and other intellectual property rights)

2. Termination clause will inform that users’ accounts on mobile app or users’ access to your website and mobile (if users can’t have an account with you) can be terminated in case of abuses or at your sole discretion.

3. Governing Law will inform users that Qatari laws govern the agreement.

4. Users are responsible for reading and agreeing (or disagreeing) with the Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policies of these third parties.

5. A Limit What Users Can Do clause can inform users that by agreeing to use your service, they’re also agreeing to not do certain things.

6. Inform users about acceptable payment terms

7. Inform users about your shipping policies

8. Inform users about your returns and refunds policies. You can also do this through a separate agreement, called a Return and Refund Policy, that you can reference in the Terms & Conditions agreement.

9. Include the words “AS IS” for items and “AS AVAILABLE” if you provide any sort of service that may not be available 100% of the time.

10. Contact details to inform users how they contact you with questions regarding your legal agreements and its provisions(website ,email, contact numbers, P.Obox)

11. If users abuse your mobile app in any way, you can terminate their account. Your “Termination” clause can inform users that their accounts would be terminated if they abuse your service.

12. If you sell products or services, you could cancel specific orders if a product price is incorrect. Your Terms and Conditions can include a clause to inform users that certain orders, at your sole discretion, can be canceled if the products ordered have incorrect prices due to various error

13. If users can post content on your mobile app (create content and share it on your platform), you can remove any content they created if it infringes copyright. Your Terms and Conditions will inform users that they can only create and/or share content they own rights to.